NYC Memories.

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Twin Towers

About my site

My thought in making this webpage was to help people who might be too young to remember 911, or for people who might come to visit New York City, and have questions as to how to visit the various 911 sites around the City.

I hope you will find my site useful to you, and I hope it can answer some of your questions.

Wall Street Plaza
Fiterman Hall BMCC
Freedom Tower

Wall Street Plaza is a small plaza located on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in New York City. The plaza has a small waterfall tours the back of the plaza, adjacent front Street, opposite Water Street.

Is not an official 911 Memorial place, but it does hold a special meaning for some of us who witnessed, and lived through 911. It has a nice breeze and comfortable benches, for you to enjoy some downtime, while eating lunch and visiting New York City.

There are many of us in New York and around the country that have the unfortunate distinction of having lived through and witnessed the horrible events of 911. For people that might be too young to remember the nightmare of that fateful day, or for any visitor to our great city who wishes to visit any of the many 911 related Memorials or sites in the City, I have created a simple site, that explains some of the Memorials, and other sites around the city, that commemorate and honor the heroes who died on 911.

911 occurred 16 years ago, to me, it seems like yesterday. The events of that day are ingrained in my memory as if it happened not too long ago. I will not bore you with the details of my life on that date, but know that my reason for creating this site was in helping people understand a little better, the reason behind many of the 911 Memorials and sites here in New York.